Thursday, April 24, 2014

C4K for April

C4K #9:

This week I was assigned to Talita from Miss Ouano's class. She talks about her and her classmates going kayaking and baking snacks at a school function. It was a great experiment for her and her classmates.

My Reply

Hi Talita! My name is Caroline Parker and I am a student at the Unversity of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I;m extremely jealous that your group and leader got to kayak. I've only done that once and enjoyed it. I like how at such a young age, you are already baking cookies and cheese scones. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. I hope to see more from you soon. Keep up the good work!


This week I was assigned to Martin from Miss Lavakula's class. Martin shows an activity that he did containing Native trees. He also included a rubric that his teacher provided the class. His activity was very colorful!

My Reply

Hello Martin! My name is Caroline Parker. I am a college student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. We are learning about blogging and technology in the classrooms. I enjoyed looking at your Native trees activity that you did. When I was in your grade, I did something similiar to that. Also, the rubric that is there along with your picture is great, and not to mention colorful. That must be how your teacher is grading your Native trees work. I enjoyed looking through your blog. I hope to come across it again soon. Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

C4T #4

C4T #4 Post #1

This week I was assigned to J.F. Hadley. She is a middle school history teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. Mrs. Hadley is also the Faculty Advisor for the Games for Change Club. She is also the author of three articles for ISTE'S Learning and Leading. Mrs. Haley always knew she wanted to be an educator from the very beginning. Also, Mrs. Hadley is the presenter of four different conferences. In her blog, Just Laugh she discusses the day her and her students returned from a school break. The blog was educational, yet entertaining.

My Reply

Hello Mrs. Hadley. My name is Caroline Parker. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog post! I like how you put your students into groups on the second day back. I like the idea of letting students work in groups. They get to put two, three, or four different minds together to come up with one solution/answer. It also can open the students minds to think about something that they might not have thought about. I like how you rethought your reaction to your students that were giggling. Sometimes thats exactly what teachers have/need to do. I enjoyed reading this blog. I hope to come across your blog again soon. Please visit My Blog or the Class Blog.

C4T #4 Post #2

In one of Mrs.Hadley's older post, she discusses an assignment she gave her students before their holiday assembly. This assignement had to keep her students busy for 70 minutes. She gave each group a Tabletop Mapmaker Set from the National Geographic to make a map of Africa. I absoutely LOVE this idea!!

My Reply

Hey Mrs. Hadley! I absoutely LOVE this idea! I am going to have to use this in my future classroom! I think it's great that students work together to put a maap of Africa together. I also, like that it incorporates art. It's multisubjected. It keeps the students attention. I am a future educator to teach elementary grades myself. I believe I will be able to use this task in my future classes. I look forward to it! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog post. I hope I come across your blog again soon. Please visit My Blog or the Class Blog

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post #13

This week we were asked to create our own blog post centered around our area of teaching. I am a major in K-6 elementary education. I came up with this idea:

Pick an educational website that you would use in your future classroom. Discuss how you would use this site and how it would be beneficial to your students.

I have a found a website that I can use in my future classroom. Starfall is an educational website that helps students with their phonics, math, and reading. This website also helps students with counting things, learning the alphabet, and spelling unfamiliar words.

I would like to teach anywhere from kindergarden to third grade. In my future classroom I would, of course, use Starfall for reading and math. If I was teaching kindergarden or first grade, I would mainly use Starfall for reading. After a lesson in the classroom, I would then let my students get on the computer to review what we have covered that day. That way my students would be able to practice the sounds of the different letters while reading a sentence as well. This is a great way for my students to learn to read simple words. I think this is a great way to get kids interest into reading at such a young age.

If I was able to get a higher grade, I would use this site for math. It has various ways for students to learn math and count numbers. One thing I am very pleased with, is that this site has a place for math songs. Before teaching a lesson, I would find a song that pertraded to what we were learning and play it. That way, my students would have an insight as to what they are fixing to learn. Then I would, of course, teach my lesson and then on some days let them get on Starfall to reveiw what they have been taught. There are numerous math objectives. It ranges anywhere from learning how to count numbers to multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction to geometry. The math portion could be used for many different levels.

In my opinion, I think Starfall is a great educational learning site for students. I think they would thoroughly enjoy using this site. This website should be used for all K-6 grades, especially the younger ones. The students will be more excited about learning about numbers, how to read, and how to spell.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog Post #11

What Can We Learn About Teaching And Learning From These Teachers?

Brian Crosby: Back to the Future

Mr Crosby is a Elementary teacher, who has been teaching for 30 years. He is currently teaching 4th grade at risk students. In his video he tells us that he wants his students to learn outside the box. He helps his students to do this by doing different projects with them. One of the projects that was done was a science experiment where they sent a hot air balloon up in the air and recorded how high the balloon went before bursting. While conducting this project they took pictures, collected data from the internet, blogged what they saw, and even created stories describing the experience as if they were the actual balloon. After posting their experiences to their blogs and developing their personal learning networks, the students began to get people from all over the world looking at their post. From this video we learned that it does no matter how limited a student past learning was and that it does not determine their future learning. We also learned that students learn mostly from active learning, learning while doing and to be an educator you have to empower and motivate your students to learn.

Paul Anderson: Blended Learning Cycle

Paul Anderson is an AP Biology teacher at a school located in Montana. Anderson introduces the concept of the “Blended Learning Cycle”. The cycle is online but uses classroom learning techniques. With this concept he introduces the 5 E’s: engage, explore, explain, expand, and evaluate. Understanding the concepts is very important. The use of educational videos are a great way for students to see things differently outside the classroom. Students may understand things more clearly if they hear and/or see it from someone else. Reviewing is the next important, necessary objective. Students may be going from one topic/subject to the next and if they don’t fully comprehend the previous material they will be behind even more. The very last step of this process will be a quiz to test the students new found knowledge. They will be tested and graded on the material presented. This video taught us that it is very beneficial for students to work in ‘blended’ classroom. They get the use of technology, but also the one-on-one attention they may need.

Mark Church: Making Thinking Visible

Mark Churches 6th grade class was in the process of watching a movie on the topic early human beginnings, the origin of human society. Mr Church wanted his students to think about what was the real meaning of the topic, so he divided his class into groups and told them to come up with a one sentence headline saying what's it all about. He was going to hang up their headlines and in a few weeks, after doing some more studying, hes going to ask them aging what the heart of the topic is and see if it has changed. From this short video we learned to write down our thoughts, so that you are able to go back and determine if your thought process is the same, has it become deeper, or have you analyzed the whole picture. This is a great way to teach students to build on their thinking or thought process.

Sam Pane: Super Digital Citizens

Sam Pane is a 5th grade teacher in Omaha, Nebraska. In the video he discuss how to be a super digital citizen. A digital citizen is a person who chooses to act safely, respectfully, and responsibly when online. Pane creates with his students a digital citizen superhero that uses his/her powers to help people. With the website he allows his students to use and build their own character. He like for the students to use their own pictures and make the character about themselves. Building comics are a great way to do a visual presentation of learning. He then allowed his students to view each other’s superhero. The main point of this video was to teach his students how to be safe while on the internet.

Dean Shareski: Project Based Learning

This Project Based Learning, or PBL, video was different than all the others I have viewed. In this video, there are three teachers combined in one classroom instead of just one teacher in a classroom discussing how they have been operating their class. It was three teachers from three different subjects: English, History, and Technology. The teachers wanted the students to take all three subjects, combine the curriculum, and have the students create their projects in groups. The students have a very wide range for what projects they want/can do. The students get to learn more doing this because it was more than just one subject. PBL is a great learning technique. I did not grow up doing many group projects in school. Students today, love working in groups and meeting new people in their classes. I think PBL is a great way for students to learn. This video taught us that Project Based Learning can be used with numerous subjects in one project; not just one subject.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program,

In this video Roosevelt Elementary students learn all about PBL. PBL is in depth learning, integrated thematic instruction, based on “real-world” problems, and research-based. The teachers at Roosevelt work together collaboratively to discuss what projects they will do with the state standards. Project based learning teach the students how to work on projects from beginning to end and it encourages public speaking at a young age. Roosevelt’s PBL program teaches the students to also work collaboratively. The video taught us that PBL is a great and effective way to teach students in the 21st century. The students are excited to learn.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

C4T #3

C4T #3 Post #1

This week I was assigned to Liz B. Davis. She is the Director of Academic Technology at Belmont Hill School, an all boys independent school. In her post, Passion Driven Professional Development-Teachers Unplugged at NAISAC14, she outlines an Edcamp style conference. This idea, in my opinion, is absoutely brilliant.

My Reply

Hello Mrs. Davis, My name is Caroline Parker, I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your blog. I love how you outlined your whole event for individuals that could not attend. I think the whole idea of an unconference is brilliant!! Everyone comes with their own knowledge to inform others and you can move from 'group to group'. I think educators can leave this conference knowing/learning various amounts of information. Please feel free to visit to visit my blog at Caroline Parker's EDM310 Blog or my EDM310 Class Blog

C4T #3 Post #2

This week I read one of Liz's previous post 4 Things I Love about Design Thinking in Education. She discusses four of her favorite things about this process of learning and discovery. There are five stages of this design process: 1)discovery, 2)interpretation, 3)ideation, 4)experimentation, and 5)evolution.

My Reply

Hello Mrs. Davis, It's Caroline Parker from the University of South Alabama again. I enjoyed reading this blog post. I have never heard of Design Thinking before, until I came across your blog. After reading this blog, I plan on trying this in my future classroom. I like how the students come up with the problems instead of you asking the students. It makes the students brainstorm and think "outside the box". Once again, I absoutely LOVE this activity! I hope to see more of your post shortly.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

C4K For March

C4K #5

This week I was assigned to Cierra. She posted a slide show about a book she had read, "Out of my Mind" by Sharon Draper.

My Reply

Hi Cierra! My name is Caroline Parker and I am a student from the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I came across your blog in a class I am taking that requires me to keep a blog and comment on an assigned students blog, which is you. I love your book project!! I have never read “Out of my Mind” by Sharon Draper, but you made me feel like I had and that it had just been a while. I am going to school to be an elementary teacher and the way that you talk about Melody and her Cerebral Palsy is very true! People may think she is slower than the average human being but in reality, she isn’t. People with cerebral palsy can do amazing things, just like you state. I think you did a great job with your book project!! Keep up the good work!!

C4K #6

This week I was assigned to Alamoni from Mrs. Jenny She's class. Alamoni created a video on Harold the Giraffe. There were also drawings of Harold that Alamoni had drawn.

My Reply

Alamoni, My name is Caroline Parker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I watched your video on Harold the Giraffe and you did and amazing job! I loved your giraffe that you created on the computer. You are very talented. Can't wait to see more of your videos.

C4K #7

This week I was assigned to Wakatere from Mr. Barks/Mrs. Nua's class. Wakatere did a bio poem describing himself. Things that he liked and things that he disliked.

My Reply

Hey Wakatere! My name is Caroline Parker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I really enjoyed reading your bio poem. I agree with you, dying is a very scary thing to think about. I love how you put that you love your mom and dad. I am a huge family orientated person so I too adore/love my parents. Just from reading your bio poem you do sound like a happy and fun boy. I really enjoyed reading your poem. I hope to read some more from you soon!

C4K #8

This week I was assigned to Wiremu from Ms. Squires class. He wrote about men and women from Tamaiki College that came and did a Somoan dance for his class.

My Reply

Hey Wiremu! My name is Caroline Parker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I enjoyed reading your Samoan performance blog. I love how your class had the opportunity to see the Somoan men and women from Tamaiki College. I'm not quite sure what they do, but I get on Google and YouTube and find out. I too, have a soft spot for beautiful music. I hope that you get the chance to be in a Somoan performance so you can go to Polyfest. I enjoyed reading your blog. I hope to read more from you soon!!