Sunday, May 4, 2014

Summary of Final Project 16

This was a group project done with my group, Paris: Jordan Pritchett, Monique Nettles, Pearl Johnson, and myself. Our project was done in iBook and had a Disney theme. It was titled "Where the Magic Happens". We, as a group, really enjoyed working on this project. Going through everything that we have learned and done throughout this semester was fun. Reading through our blogs and seeing how much we have advanced blogging wise was interesting. I enjoyed seeing my progress throughout this semester. At the beginning of our book, we had a group picture then an about me. We chose a Disney character to have as our background on our about me and I chose Squirt from Finding Nemo. We incorporated videos and blogs about using technology in our future classrooms. In the beginning of our book, we each had personal photos of our family and friends. It was nice to look at my groups family and friends and discuss who they were and how they were related. It was nice to get to know my group members more than I already have. We made a video on how to intergrate technology in our future classrooms. Everyone in my group, except Monique, are elementary education majors. Monique is a secondary major in English. I enjoyed what she was going to use in her future classroom and how she was going to use it!! Reflecting on what we have done in EDM310 was interesting and fun. I have learned very useful information in this class. I will carry the majority of what I have learned and done in this class. I have thoroughly enjoyed this class and working with my group. I have made some amazing friends through this group work in this class. We worked very well together and I will carry my friendships with them for years!! So two things I will take from this class: amazing friends and information on technology to use in my future classroom. Thank you EDM310!!